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Top 5 Ways To Make a New Starter Feel Welcome

A team laughing together at a casual meal

Marco Wolfsheimer

Updated: 11th March, 2024

Are you wondering "How to make a new starter feel welcome"? You're not alone. Making a new team member feel welcomed is crucial for their integration and overall team morale.

How to make a new starter feel welcome

In this article, we've lined up five effective and heart-warming ways to ensure your new colleague feels right at home from day one. From personalised gestures to team activities, these ideas are guaranteed to start off on the right foot.

1. Organise a welcome group card

Nothing says "welcome" quite like a personalized card signed by the entire team. Creating an online welcome card, where everyone can add their messages, is a straightforward yet impactful way to show your new starter they're valued. With platforms like Happy Tree Cards, organizing a group card has never been easier. This thoughtful gesture not only introduces the new starter to the team but also makes them feel part of the family right from the start.

2. Go for a meal or drinks

Bonding over food or drinks is a time-tested way of welcoming someone new. Arranging a casual team lunch or an after-work drinks session gives everyone a chance to get to know the new starter in a relaxed setting. It's an opportunity for the newcomer to feel more at ease with their colleagues and for the team to start forming those essential personal connections that contribute to a cohesive work environment.

A colorful welcome card on a new starter's desk

3. Decorate their workspace

Imagine walking into your new job and finding your workspace thoughtfully decorated with welcome banners or a small potted plant. This gesture will instantly make your new starter feel special and appreciated. Personalizing their area shows that you've put effort into their arrival and are excited about them joining the team. It’s a simple act that can significantly boost their morale and make their first day memorable.

4. Team building activity

Team building activities are a fantastic way to break the ice and encourage camaraderie among team members, including the new starter. Whether it's an escape room adventure, a creative workshop, or a simple team game, these activities can help integrate your new colleague into the team. It's an enjoyable way for them to learn about their teammates' personalities and strengths while establishing their place within the group.

5. An appropriate welcome gift

A thoughtfully chosen welcome gift can go a long way in making a new starter feel appreciated. Whether it's something practical for their desk, a book related to their interests, or a gift card to their favorite coffee shop, it shows you care. Tailor the gift to their preferences to really make it hit home how glad the team is to have them on board.

We've explored five wonderful ways to help a new starter feel welcomed and valued in their new team environment. From heartfelt welcome cards to fun team outings and personalised gifts, it's clear that a thoughtfully planned welcome can significantly impact a new employee's integration and happiness at work.

Now it's your turn to put these tips into action and create a welcoming atmosphere for your new team member. To learn more about making every team member's welcome unforgettable with personalized greeting cards or to get started on your own, visit Happy Tree Cards. Let's make every new start as warm and memorable as it should be.

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